How Long Does it Take to Golf 9 Holes?

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The average time it takes to play 9 holes of golf is around 2-3 hours, but it can vary based on several factors such as the number of players in the group, pace of play, course difficulty, and skill level of the players.

Professional golfers have a quick pace of play and can often complete 9 holes in under 2 hours. However, the exact time may depend on their level of focus and comfort on the course.

Overview of 9 Holes in Golf

Royal Birkdale Golf Club

9 holes in golf refers to a round of golf that consists of playing just 9 of the 18 total holes on a standard golf course. 9-hole rounds are typically played when time is limited, when players are just starting out, or when they want to practice specific shots or aspects of their game.

Factors Affecting the Duration of 9 Holes

Number of players 

golfers group

In general, the more players in a game, the longer it takes to play 9 holes. For example, if you’re playing in a group of four, the average time could be around 2.5 to 3 hours. If you’re playing in a group of two, the average time could be closer to 2 hours.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the average time for 9 holes will also depend on the skill level of the players.

Course difficulty 

A challenging course with lots of hazards and obstacles can slow down play, making the round take longer.

Course maintenance

A well-maintained course will allow for a smoother, quicker round, while an unmaintained course will result in longer wait times.

Pace of play

Slow play can greatly affect the duration of the round, while a fast pace will result in a quicker round.

Weather conditions

Inclement weather can slow down play, as players may need to wait out rain or wind.

Experience level 

Novice golfers may take longer to play each hole compared to experienced golfers.

Course design 

A course designed with multiple rounds and water hazards can take longer to play, compared to a course designed with fewer obstacles and a straight forward layout.

Green speed

The speed of the greens can also affect the duration of the round, with slower greens resulting in longer rounds.


Slow play can be caused by golfers who bring too much equipment or who take too much time to make a shot, so it’s important to have the right amount of equipment and use it efficiently.

Average Time for 9 Holes Based on Experience Level

Beginner golfers

The average time for a beginner golfer to complete 9 holes of golf is approximately 3 hours. Beginner golfers may take longer to complete 9 holes as they are still learning the fundamentals of the game and developing their swing, putting and short game skills.

Intermediate golfers

The average time for an intermediate golfer to complete 9 holes is between 2 to 3 hours. This time can vary depending on various factors such as the course, weather, and the golfer’s pace.

Professional golfers

Professional golfers are known for their precision and speed on the course. The average time for a professional golfer to complete 9 holes is typically around 1 to 2 hours. This quick pace is a result of their expertise, experience, and efficient swing and shot-making abilities.

Here are some factors that contribute to a professional golfer’s quick 9-hole timing:

Skill Level: Professional golfers have honed their skills and techniques over years of practice and competition. This allows them to play with precision and confidence, leading to a faster pace on the course.

Fitness: Many professional golfers prioritize fitness and physical conditioning, which helps them maintain energy and endurance on the course.

Course Knowledge: Professional golfers have played on numerous courses and have a wealth of knowledge and experience. This allows them to make quick decisions and play with ease.

Comparison with 18 holes

parkland courses

The duration of a 9-hole round of golf is typically shorter than an 18-hole round. While the average time for a 9-hole round for a beginner golfer is around 2 to 2 and a half hours, the average time for an 18-hole round can be anywhere from 4 to 5 hours.

For intermediate golfers, the average time for a 9-hole round is around 1 and a half to 2 hours, while an 18-hole round can take anywhere from 3 to 4 hours.

Professional golfers, on the other hand, can complete a 9-hole round in under an hour and an 18-hole round in under 2 hours, as they have honed their skills and can play at a faster pace.

However, these are just rough estimates and the actual duration of a round of golf can be influenced by several factors such as the course layout, weather conditions, number of players, and more.

Tips to Reduce the Time to Play 9 Holes

Be prepared

Make sure you arrive at the course with everything you need, such as gloves, tees, and golf balls. This will help you avoid wasting time searching for missing items.

Warm up 

Take a few minutes to warm up before you start playing. This will help you get into the flow of the game and reduce the time you spend on each hole.

Pace of play 

Maintain a steady pace of play. Don’t take too much time on each shot, and don’t spend too much time searching for lost balls.

Play ready golf 

This means that the player who is ready to hit first, does so. It eliminates the need for everyone to wait for each other and helps to keep the pace of play moving.

Walk between shots 

If you can, try to walk between shots rather than riding in a golf cart. This will help you keep moving and reduce the time spent waiting.

Skip unplayable shots

If your ball is in an unplayable position, skip the shot and move on to the next hole. This will help you save time and avoid frustration.

Know the course 

Familiarize yourself with the course, and plan your shots in advance. This will help you avoid taking wrong turns and reduce the time spent searching for the correct path.

Using technology

There are various golf GPS devices, apps, and rangefinders available in the market that can help golfers track their shots, monitor their progress, and provide detailed information about the course, such as yardage and hazards.

Additionally, golf carts equipped with GPS technology can help players move quickly between holes and find their way around the course. Utilizing these tools can help golfers make more informed decisions, save time, and enjoy a more efficient round of golf.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the timing for playing 9 holes of golf varies depending on several factors such as skill level, number of players, pace of play, and course difficulty.

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or professional golfer, it is important to manage your time effectively on the course and use the above tips and techniques to minimize downtime. This will not only help you play more efficiently, but also allow you to fully enjoy the game.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to play 9 holes of golf on average?

The average time to play 9 holes of golf is around 2 hours.

Does the number of players affect the time to play 9 holes?

Yes, the number of players can impact the time to play 9 holes. More players mean longer waiting time between shots, so the overall time can be longer.

What is the average time for a beginner golfer to play 9 holes?

A beginner golfer may take around 2.5 hours to play 9 holes.

What is the average time for an intermediate golfer to play 9 holes?

An intermediate golfer may take around 2 hours to play 9 holes.

What is the average time for a professional golfer to play 9 holes?

A professional golfer can play 9 holes in around 1.5 hours or less.

Is there a difference in time between playing 9 holes and 18 holes?

Yes, playing 18 holes can take twice as long as playing 9 holes, on average around 4 hours.

What can I use to reduce the time to play 9 holes?

Technology, such as GPS and shot tracking devices, can help you locate your shots and reduce search time, ultimately reducing the overall time to play 9 holes.

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Hannah Brotsky

Hi! I am Hannah, a golf enthusiast, have been perfecting my swing for over a decade, making long putts a breeze. Aside from playing, I am a professional golf writer, I try capture the nuances of the game and inspire others to embrace their love for golf. Follow me on Twitter.

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